Post-operative care for liposuction patients

Liposuction is generally a painful procedure and oral pain relief will need to be taken post-operatively for the good part of a week. Oral antibiotics are also prescribed for five days.

A garment will be fitted post-operatively in the operating room. I usually tell patients to bird bath for the first 2 to 3 days until a lot of the pain has settled and then they can remove their garment, have a shower and put the garment back on. The garment should be worn for 4 to 6 weeks.

If the garment is easy to remove like an abdominal binder, I am happy for patients to shower 24 hours post-operatively and then to apply the binder. The dressings over the wound can get wet and will be looked at at about 10 to 12 days post-operatively at which point the sutures will be removed. At the suture removal visit the use of scar cream and tape will be discussed.

The numbness of the area which is routine will start to improve at 6 weeks post-operatively. The feeling in the skin area should be fully recovered by 6 months.

I encourage walking whenever the patient feels like it.

Jogging and more strenuous exercise I believe will not be comfortable for the first 3 weeks. Thereafter when comfortable patients can begin exercising fully. Completely normal exercise can begin at 6 weeks post-operatively.