Liposuction is one of the very few procedures which has minimal scarring with extremely positive and impressive results. The scars are very small.
Liposuction occurs in numerous different forms, however in general there are two main techniques:
These fibrous fat deposits occur over the back, the upper abdomen and breast areas. I do not believe that in the softer fatty areas that ultrasonic-assisted liposuction has any advantages. There is a little more post-operative swelling when using ultrasonic assisted liposuction and the pain post-operatively might be a little worse than when using suction-assisted liposuction alone.
In general, liposuction is best for sculpting fattier areas of the body, rather than for an overall fat reduction.
Liposculpture is a new buzz word for liposuction of the superficial fat close under the skin. There is no magic behind this procedure, but similar and smaller cannulas are used and the technique is exactly the same as for liposuction.
Common areas for liposuction are lateral thighs or saddle bags, hips, medial thigh, medial knee, abdomen, neck, back. Not so common areas are anterior or front of thighs, legs, ankles, jowls and breast.
During the liposuction procedure, I use the Tumescent technique which involves injecting a lot of fluid into the area to be sucked. This fluid contains local anaesthetic and adrenaline (to decrease blood loss) into the fatty layer. I use this technique with all liposuction cases as it decreases bleeding and allows for better control of fat removal.
The scars from liposuction are usually very small in the region of 4-5mm, whilst the scars from ultrasonic-assisted liposuction are a’ little longer, often in the range of approximately 6-8mm. Depending on the number of areas that are treated, hospitalisation can be day only or overnight.
If a patient is suitable for liposuction, the results after six months can be quite dramatic. This procedure does involve wearing a restrictive garment for up to 6 weeks, but the results are worth the effort.
Initially there will be a lot of swelling and some bruising. Swelling will be mostly gone at 6 to 8 weeks. Total result when the area is soft again, all swelling has gone, feeling has settled will take almost six months.
Without a doubt, the vast majority of my patients, both men and women who have had a liposuction procedure, are extremely happy with the outcome.
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