Other reasons for pigmentation include: skin trauma-related conditions (such as post-acne lesions, wounds or scarring), hormonal conditions (commonly known as melisma or chloasma – a condition occurring commonly in women during pregnancy or who use the contraceptive pill) and in some rare cases, a negative response to medication or drugs (usually resulting in damage to the liver, causing liver disease or even hemochromatosis – a rare disease). Once a patient’s type of pigmented lesion is determined, most conditions can be successfully treated with the use of Intense Pulse Light (IPL), currently the fastest and most effective form of treatment.
The IPL uses a light that is specifically engineered to target pigmented cells, causing a darkening to the lesion with a slight reddening to the perimeter. This results in the lesion becoming drier and in some cases forming a crust, which when comes away, leaves a smoother clearer surface to the skin.
Most treatments, such as superficial sun-spots, take less time to treat with IPL, however in some cases where the sun-spots have formed deeper into the skin, IPL alone is not sufficient, and requires a medical-grade skin care program in conjunction with the IPL, providing a safe and effective method of enhancing the desired results.
In the case of melisma, IPL is not effective, instead a chemical-based skin treatment program will be designed for each unique individual, ensuring the best possible results. For aesthetic purposes, it is always better to be treated by a qualified plastic surgeon, who’s objective is to have your natural beauty and personal appearance in mind. This can be addressed at the initial consultation.
It is important to understand that there will always be a considerable and significant improvement, but not an absolute 100% removal of the pigmentation. Successfully treated lesions may also recur. Each patient requires a different method of treatment and therefore will be given only the best advice at the time of consultation.
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